PEFC certificate is a tool for a smart entrepreneur. It is an investment in business and a sustainable world.

A product with PEFC label is a conscious choice of a consumer.


PEFC is the world’s largest label for sustainable forestry for businesses and forest owners. PEFC (the programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) is an independent certification system in 55 countries. There are 330 million ha of PEFC certified forest and 25,000 certified companies in the world. PEFC certificate is acknowledged by the European Commission. PEFC label is used on a huge range of timber and wood-based products by well-known brands such as Samsung, L’Oréal, Huhtamäki, Lipton, Mango, Coca-Cola, Lidl and many others.

PEFC Estonia

In Estonia PEFC certification has been organised for 20 years by the NGO Estonian Forest Certification Council. We provide certified companies operating in Estonia with flexible and fast support services and advice on the practical use of the trademark in business. PEFC Estonia is responsible for the development of the standard with the participation of a broad range of stakeholders. We also consider it important to provide forest and chain of custody companies with information about the export markets important for Estonia.


The biggest label​

75,000 certified forest owners and more than 25,000 supply chain companies worldwide

We care about Estonia

PEFC Estonia cares about sustainable wood and pure Estonian nature. Our task is to consciously use PEFC label in Estonian companies and people’s homes.

Wide network

PEFC Estonia cooperates with associations and societies engaged in forestry, wood production and processing. 

Promoter of sustainable forestry 2022

PEFC-Estonia toetaja

PEFC – to whom?

Chain of custody certificate for the producers of timber, producers in value chain other actors in the chain.


Certified wood is a competitive advantage and provides export opportunities.

Forest owner

Provide your customers with products made of sustainable material. Use the label

Wholesaler and retailer

Partners valuing sustainability in forestry and products.

Professional associations

Procurement requirements are the basis for the use of sustainable materials.


By choosing a product with the PEFC label you make a contribution to a sustainable world.


PEFC Estonian Forest Certification Scheme 2022


25 years of experience

milj ha
PEFC - certified forest in the world
milj ha
PEFC - certified forest in the Estonia
PEFC - certified chain of custody companies in the world
PEFC - certified
chain of custody companies in the Estonia


About their experience
Allied Timber
Allied Timber produces high quality timber components and products for modern global factories. The fact that used timber is from legal and sustainability sources is very important for us and our customers. PEFC certificate gives confidence to new possible clients for start to cooperate being in the same understanding of values.
Madis Maltsar
Sales and purchasing manager at Allied Timber
metsatervenduse logo
The process of obtaining a group certificate is convenient and affordable for the forest owner. The benefits of the certificate are directly reflected in the sales figures. It is currently not possible to grow your business in foreign markets without certified wood.
Ants Erik
Board member at Metsatervenduse LLC
PEFC certification should be part of the „basic equipment“ of a timer company. This is a guarantee for our partners and shows that we offer the best sustainable products.
Liivi Viin
Quality and environmental manager at Thermory AS